Available for iPhone & Android
Do I have to take a cart?
- Household garbage will only be collected from a City issued garbage cart.
- If a property owner decides not to use the City’s garbage collection service, they can call 311 and the City will arrange to have the cart removed from the property.
- If you need a medical exemption from using the automated garbage cart, Click Here to get an exemption form, or call 311 to have the form mailed out to you.
What are the benefits of automated garbage collection?
- Improved Service to Residence
- The new wheeled carts are very durable and easy to handle. Instead of lifting your garbage to the curb you simply wheel your cart to the curb. We can also collect your garbage faster.
- Safer
- The new automated collection system will provide a safer working environment for the collection staff and reduce lost time due to injury and accidents.
- Environmental Benefits
- The amount of litter on our streets, as well as odor and pest problems caused by garbage will be reduced.
- Increases the amount of recycling placed at the curb which creates new resources, new jobs, reduces green house gases, and extends the life of the Landfill site.
How does automated garbage collection work?
- Residential households in automated garbage collection areas have been supplied with a specially designed wheeled garbage cart.
- On collection day, residents wheel their cart to the front of their residence for collection. Important Note: Recycling and yard waste bags must be placed at the curb at least 1 metre (3 feet) away from the garbage cart.
- The City then empties the cart using trucks equipped with a mechanical arm.