Since 2018, the City of St. John’s has required the use of paper yard waste bags for curbside yard waste due to the high economic and environmental costs of landfilling compostable material. We have composted more than 6,000 tonnes of yard waste in that time resulting in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 180 tonnes which is equivalent to taking 57 passenger vehicles off the road for a year, and a savings of over $450,000 in tipping fees.
From May to November the City of St. John’s collects yard waste in paper yard waste bags only. Yard waste is composted and used in landscaping projects on City land. Place the paper yard waste bags at the curb on the same day as your recycling collection; learn your collection schedule on our schedule look-up. Yard waste in plastic bags will not be collected and will be left at the curb.

The City of St. John’s is holding compost giveaways at the Robin Hood Bay Waste Management Facility, 340 East White Hills Road, each Saturday in October from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

If you chose a real tree to celebrate the season, you made the best choice environmentally. Learn why in the City Guide article Real or Artificial Tree: Which is Better?
Give your real tree new life. We mulch Christmas trees and use them in open spaces. Only natural, undecorated trees are acceptable – no artificial trees, decorations, tinsel, or other man-made objects. Do not bundle or tie the tree.