Available for iPhone & Android
What is the cost for a replacement cart?
- The cart replacement cost is $65.00 (takes and delivery included).
What do I do if someone else’s cart is on my property?
- If the address is on the cart you can return it to the property it belongs to.
- If there is no address on the cart you can write down the serial number of the cart and call 311 to report it. A staff member will get in touch with you.
Why do I need to write my address on the cart?
- All the carts look the same, having the address on the cart will make it easy for you, your neighbour and city staff to find and/or return the cart to the owner.
- Don’t forget to periodically update your address on your cart because it can wear away in the weather.
Will I receive a cart for my recyclables?
- You will not receive a cart for your recycling.
- Your blue bags of recyclables will continue to be collected manually.
- Your blue bags must be placed to the curb by your cart spaced a minimum of 1 metre from the cart.
- If you already have a bin and want to use your current bin for recycling, we will provide a decal to place on the bin. To request a decal email curbit@stjohns.ca or call 311.
Will inclement weather impact my collection?
- The carts can withstand temperature extremes and users in areas with heavy snowfall have indicated that the wide wheels ride well on snow and are easy to roll out in winter.
- Inclement weather may affect collection, notifications will be sent out through our reminders and waste app by 7 am.
- Residents are asked to sign-up for “Reminders” by clicking here or to download the St. John’s Waste & Recycling APP in the APP Store or Google Play. When you sign-up for reminders you have the option to choose how you want to be reminded (e-mail, phone call, text, twitter, or calendar). Notifications will also be posted on the City website and announced on local radio stations.
My cart wasn’t completely emptied. Why?
- The cart dumping process lifts the cart upside down and stops with a slight jolt so waste in the cart will fall out, unless it is wedged, forced, or compacted in the cart. Please ensure waste is not packed too tightly in the cart.
Can bags or boxes be placed beside or on top of the cart for collection?
- No regular household waste is to be placed on top or beside the cart.
- Only blue bagged recyclables and yard waste in paper yard waste bags will be collected when placed a minimum of 1 metre from the garbage cart.
How full can I fill my cart?
- Carts should not be filled beyond the manufacturer’s recommended load rating.
- You must be able to completely close the cart lid after the garbage is placed inside.
- Overfull carts which cause the lid not to fully close will not be collected as this can cause damage during the collection process and cause litter problems.
What if I have more garbage than can fit in the cart?
- Taking advantage of the City’s curbside recycling collection program (Curb It) will help ensure there is enough room in your cart for the garbage produced in your household.
- The automated garbage cart is big enough for most household’s garbage when recycling with the City’s curbside program.
- Excess material can be held over until the next collection day, or you can take it to the Robin Hood Bay Waste Management Facility.
Do I need to bag my garbage?
- Yes. Garbage must be bagged before it is placed in the cart.
- Bagging helps keep the cart clean, eliminates blown litter and reduces odor.
- You can use any bag for your garbage except blue recycling bags, or yard waste bags