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What do I do with bottle caps?
Bottle caps can be left on the container and placed in your blue bag. Recycling technologies have improved and keeping the lid on is no longer an issue. Essentially, the two components are separated naturally in a process referred to as a water bath. The bottles float and the caps sink, making it easy to separate the two materials.
On the other hand, removing the caps can cause them to be improperly sorted early on in the recycling process. Because of their small size, individual caps are often sorted into piles of landfill-bound waste.
Why do materials have to be bundled with dimensions 2x2x1ft? Didn’t you previously accept larger sized bundles?
- Recycling and garbage trucks are dual compartment trucks and the width of the smallest of these compartments is 2 feet.
- Material must be bundled to the size which will fit in the truck compartments.
Is there a limit to how much recyclable material I can put out?
- There is no limit on the amount of recycling that you can put out.
- You can place multiple container bags and multiple paper bags to the curb on your scheduled collection day.
- Cardboard can be put in bags or bundled (2x2x1).
What if I miss my collection day?
- If you miss your collection day you can set out your recyclables the following recyclable collection day.
- Recycling can also be taken to the Robin Hood Bay Waste Management Facility at 340 East White Hills Road. Click Here for Hours of Operation.
How important is it that I prepare recyclables correctly?
It is extremely important to prepare items correctly before placing them in your blue bags. This means:
- Clean out obvious food residue from your containers.
- Remove wrap or plastic from boxes and paper.
- Please take a few extra seconds and move any items inappropriately placed in the recycling bag to the trash.
Do I have to worry about labels?
- No. You can leave labels on your plastic bottles and metal cans.
Can I recycle envelopes with the plastic windows? What about staples? Glossy advertisements? Post-its?
- All of these items are fine to toss into the “Paper” recycling blue bag.
- In the recycling process, all paper, even the glossy, is converted to pulp, and all non-natural fibres such as metal will be strained out.
- So don’t waste your time removing staples or plastic windows!
Why don’t you take styrofoam?
Even though the manufacture puts a recycling symbol on most styrofoam packaging it doesn’t mean that it is acceptable in the City’s program. We cannot take any styrofoam for the following reasons:
- Some styrofoam can break up easily causing contamination of other material.
- Styrofoam markets are limited and have very high standards for this material.
- The market value is very, very low for such high standards.
Why don’t you take plastic bags, like disposable grocery store bags, in curbside recycling?
- When we researched the markets for plastic bags they were not willing to purchase them from new customers.
- We were advised by our consultants to not include them in the program as they would create some serious problems for our sorting and processing equipment by getting tangled and wrapped around the equipment breaking parts, causing it to not operate properly.
- Bags can get into other materials and end up contaminating other loads of recycling.
- We encourage you to reduce your use of disposable plastic shopping bags by using reusable bags.
- Plastic bags can be returned to most grocery stores for recycling.
Will my personal information on paper, bills, etc be secure if I put it in curbside recycling?
- We recommend that you shred any paper items that contain personal information before you put it in your blue bag for curbside recycling.
- Shredded paper can be put in a blue bag along with other paper items including cardboard and boxboard.